We are blessed to sit under some of the finest teachers here at First Baptist Church of Orlando.
The recordings date back to 2009, and include Dr. James Bruton's verse-by-verse teachings throughout the Bible.
Please enjoy with us the gift of God's Word, as shared by various teachers over the years.

Visit First Baptist Church of Orlando at http://www.firstorlando.com/

If you would like to download messages as a podcast, please visit the Podcast Archives.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

05/20/2012 - Dr. Bruton - Revelation 8

Dr. Bruton reviews portions of the previous two chapters and begins to speak about the tribulation.

05/20/2012 - Dr. Bruton - Luke 7

Dr. Bruton shares his thoughts on Luke 7 which corresponds with the series taking place in the morning service.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

05/13/2012 Dr. Bruton - Rev 7

Dr. Bruton continues the discussion in Chapter 7 of The Revelation.

Carole Avriett

Carole told us about the upcoming mission trip to Brazil, and talked about gift bags planned for the pastors' wives.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

05/06/2012 - Larry Margarella - I Corinthians 1

Larry Margarella speaks to the class about who is called by God to salvation and why there are some who are not.

05/06/2012 - Doug Batten - Testimony

Doug Batten shares of a recent medical miracle God worked in his life and encourages the class to continue praying for Tony.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

04/29/2012 - BJ Deutschendorf - Testimony

BJ tells the class of her childhood in Oklahoma and of her salvation experience.

04/29/2012 - Dr. Bruton - Luke 5

Dr. Bruton shares from Luke 5, and class members tell of the experiences in Israel.