We are blessed to sit under some of the finest teachers here at First Baptist Church of Orlando.
The recordings date back to 2009, and include Dr. James Bruton's verse-by-verse teachings throughout the Bible.
Please enjoy with us the gift of God's Word, as shared by various teachers over the years.

Visit First Baptist Church of Orlando at http://www.firstorlando.com/

If you would like to download messages as a podcast, please visit the Podcast Archives.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

07/29/2012 Healing Prayer

Class members Dan Rinker and Dolores Livingston talked about the power of prayer, and shared personal experiences of God's miraculous healing.

The Rinkers' daughter, Karen, also shared her personal story of healing.

07/29/2012 Mission Trip to Montana

The Samuelsons shared a slide show as they told about this year's trip to Townsend, MT.

For photos and more, be sure to visit our class Missionaries page:


Sunday, July 22, 2012

07/22/2012 Jerusalem Mission Trip Report

POIG members of the Jerusalem Mission Trip report on their experiences: Dolores Livingston, Jerry and Annette Birdson, Barbara Keller, and Sydney Weimer (via Dolores).

07/22/2012 Brazil Mission Trip 2012

Carole and Louis Avriett report on their experiences as part of the FBCO Brazil Mission Trip - 2012.