We are blessed to sit under some of the finest teachers here at First Baptist Church of Orlando.
The recordings date back to 2009, and include Dr. James Bruton's verse-by-verse teachings throughout the Bible.
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

04/21/2013 Dr Bruton Between the Testaments

Dr Bruton teaches on the period between the Old and New Testaments.

1 comment:

    The “interbiblical period” (from Malachi to Matthew) lasted about 400 years. There were no writing prophets, but this was an extremely important time when God was preparing for the “fullness of times” when He would send forth His son (Galatians 4).
    I. Political history of the interbiblical period:
    A. Persia controlled the Middle East under a lenient ruler, Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return from Babylonian captivity (539 B.C.). The Jewish temple was rebuilt (516 B.C.)
    B. Alexander the Great conquered Persia (331 B.C.). Spread Greek language and culture to entire area. Upon his death, his vast empire divided among his generals:
    1. One general, Ptolemy, was given Egypt, and ruled Palestine (320-198 B.C.)
    2. Another general, Seleucus, was given Syria. Syria defeated Egypt (198 B.C.) and began very cruel rule in Palestine. Determined to suppress Jewish religion and culture. Desecrated Jewish temple.
    C. Jewish revolution (Maccebean revolt, 167-142 B.C.) against Syria: Temple cleansed; Menorah relighted (Dec. 25, 164 B.C.); Jewish independence secured; but fierce internal strife ensued.
    D. Rome intervened (63 B.C.) with invasion of Palestine by General Pompey. Rome ruled thru N.T.time
    1. Herod the Great placed as Roman puppet-king (37-4 B.C.)- the local Roman ruler when Jesus born
    2. Augustus (Octavius) was Roman Emperor at time of Jesus’ birth
    3. Tiberius was Roman Emperor during Jesus’ ministry
    4. Jerusalem (and Temple) destroyed by Romans under Titus in A.D.70
    II. Some significant developments during the interbiblical period:
    A. Synagogue developed as teaching and worship center; idolatry finally rejected; increasing reliance on rabbinic instruction; some of Apocrypha written
    B. Scriptures translated from Hebrew to Greek (Septuagint=LXX)
    C. Jewish religious factions arose: Pharisees; Sadducees; Essenes; et al.)
    D. Jewish expectations of Messiah began to focus on political and military features; but hope of the Promised One was also strong among many.
    III. Daily life in the New Testament World:
    (NOTE: we will discuss several subjects in class under this heading. You may want to take notes)
